任丽军,博士,校聘教授,山东省“泰山学者”青年专家。2011、2014年于重庆大学生物工程学院分别获学士和硕士学位,2020年于中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所获博士学位,2020-2023年于中国农科院油料作物研究所任助理研究员,2023年加入山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院,主要从事茶树生物育种技术与种质创新研究。先后主持承担国家自然科学基金(青年项目)、国家重点研发计划子任务等科研项目,以第一作者或通讯作者在Cell reports、Plant cell、New phytologist等学术期刊发表论文12篇。
(1)Ren L.J., Zhao T.T., Zhao Y.Z., Du G.J., Yang S.Y., Mu N., Tang D., Shen Y., Li Y.F., Cheng Z.K. The E3 ubiquitin ligase DESYNAPSIS1 regulates synapsis and recombination in rice meiosis. Cell reports, 2021, 37(5): 109941.
(2)Zhao T.T.*, Ren L.J.*, Chen X.J.*, Yu H.X., Liu C.J., Shen Y. Shi W.Q., Tang D., Du G.J., Li Y.F., Cheng Z.K. The OsRR24/LEPTO1 type-B response regulator is essential for the organization of leptotene chromosomes in rice meiosis. Plant Cell, 2018, 30(12): 3024-3037. (*共同一作)
(3)Ren L.J., Tang D., Zhao T.T., Zhang F.F., Liu C.Z., Xue Z.H., Shi W.Q., Du G.J., Shen Y., Li Y.F., Cheng Z.K. OsSPL regulates meiotic fate acquisition in rice. New phytologist, 2018, 218(2): 789-803.
(4)Ren L.J., Zhao T.T., Zhang L., Du G.J., Shen Y., Tang D., Li Y.F., Luo Q. Cheng Z.K. Defective Microspore Development 1 is required for microspore cell integrity and pollen wall formation in rice. Plant journal, 2020, 103: 1446-1459.
(5)Zhao T.T.*, Ren L.J.*, Zhao Y.Z.*, You H.L., Zhou Y., Tang D., Du G.J., Shen Y., Li Y.F., Cheng Z.K. Reproductive cells and peripheral parietal cells collaboratively participate in meiotic fate acquisition in rice anthers. Plant journal, 2021, 108(3): 661-671. (*共同一作)
(6)Fan Y.G., Zhao T.T., Xiang Q.Z., Han X.Y., Yang S.S., Zhang L.X.#, Ren L.J.# Multi-omics research accelerates the clarification of the formation mechanism and the influence of leaf color variation in tea (Camellia sinensis) Plants. Plants, 2024, 13: 426.(#通讯作者)
(7)Tian Z.S., Wang X.F., Dun X.L. Zhao K.Q., Wang H.Z.#, Ren L.J.# An integrated QTL mapping and transcriptome sequencing provides further molecular insights and candidate genes for stem strength in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Theoretical and applied genetics, 2024, 137: 38. (#通讯作者)
邮件:renlijun403@163.com 电话:18500505784